Aerobatics Circus Center Beverly's Terrace Plaza Playhouse Beyond Van Gogh - Salt Lake Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience Bill Blagg Magician Blue Man Group - National Brigham City Fine Arts Center Brigham Young (BYU) Arts - Provo, UT Broadway On The Side Cache Valley Center for the Arts Carden International Circus Celtic Illusions Choral Arts Society of Utah Cirque Italia City of West Jordan, UT Classical Ballet Conservatory David Hall Music Draper Arts Council - Utah Egyptian YouTheatre - Park City, UT Empress Theatre EVE: Salt Lake's New Year Celebration Feld Entertainment Harmonic Winds of Utah Heritage Theatre - Perry, UT James Hood Music Lehi Arts Center Monster Jam Mormon Tabernacle Choir Musika Natalie's Performing Arts NUTCRACKER! Magical Christmas Ballet Onstage Ogden Peery's Egyptian Theater - Ogden, UT Performing Dance Center - Salt Lake City Play Date Puppets in the City Repertory Dance Theatre Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Salt Lake Academy of Music (SLAM) Salt Lake Avenues Community Choir Salt Lake City Ballet Salt Lake Dance Center Salt Lake Dance Center SALT LAKE MEN'S CHOIR Salt Lake Shakespeare Salt Lake Symphony Salty Dinner Theater Samba Fogo Sandy Arts Guild Scaffold Theatre SCERA Center for the Arts/SCERA Shell Outdoor Theatre - Orem, UT School of Rock Sandy SIX on Broadway South Valley Youth Theater Sting and Honey Company Studio Kids - Draper, UT Temple Square - Salt Lake City, UT The Children's Ballet Theatre The Dance Project SLC The Grand Theatre - SLC The Great Benjamins Circus The Off Broadway Theatre - SLC The Orchestra of Southern Utah The Performer Studio The Piano Guys The Salt Lake Children's Choir The Wesley Bell Ringers Timpanogos Storytelling Institute Transplant Games of America Utah Blues Festival Utah Conservatory Utah Philharmonic Orchestra Utah Renaissance Festival & Fantasy Faire Utah Scottish Association Utah Symphony | Utah Opera VISION CHILDREN'S CHOIR - Salt Lake City Wasatch Music Coaching Academy World of Illumination - National Youth Theatre at the U